New Writing! Doll Love.

'Doll Love', a short story of mine, is out now in the new issue of Jabberwock Review, a lovely literary journal from Mississippi!

Becky Hagenston, the journal’s editor, says this story is 'strange, sweet, and utterly hilarious'—she is obviously a woman of exquisite taste (and talent: she just won an O’Henry Prize for a story of her own.)

While you can in theory purchase this journal in a physical book store, I would be gobsmacked to learn of anyone actually managing to find it on a shelf.  You can order the issue, though, from the Review itself, for a mere $8—you'll want to specify Volume 36.1, Summer 2015.

It would be remiss of me not to mention that I alone was not responsible for this story.  In conversation years ago, my dear old friend Hyunmi and I, together, non-sequitured our way to the story's premise.  Hyunmi is an Ivy-League-educated PhD and mother of two, and while I won't share the premise here, I should probably warn you that it involves characters having sexual intercourse with inanimate objects.

New on the site! 10 Days of Silence and Meditation in Rural Quebec.

There’s a new entry over in the Writing section: I took at a ten-day silent Vipassana meditation retreat, and posted an account of the experience.  I wrote this for myself at first, to help cement my own thoughts into long-term memory.  It turned out substantive enough that I thought it might be of interest to others.

Click here or on the image to read the post.

New writing! Short, Moderately Sad Love Stories.

Three short-shorts of mine were just published by the fine folks over at Catch & Release, the online arm of Columbia University’s Columbia Journal.  The pieces together are titled “Short, Moderately Sad Love Stories”, and you’ll find them here.

Someday I hope to record one of these shorts as a song, and expand another and turn it into a cartoon.  For now they’re just text, and I hope you like them.  Whatever you think, let me know—leave a comment, tweet me, email me, send me a raven.  Whatever works.

One more thing: if you click over to the Publications page, you might notice that, a few years back, Keyhole Press’s online magazine published a piece of mine with a similar title to this new one, “Short, Improbable Love Stories”.  The new piece is a sequel of sorts, and if you like one you’ll probably like the other.  The older piece is here.  It made people cry.  (In a good way, or so I was told.)