New Comic! Short, Illustrated Love Stories

The fine folks at The Rumpus were good enough to publish a few of my comics.  The comics are a set of three, collectively titled ‘Short, Illustrated Love Stories’.  I hope you read them, and enjoy them.

And if you do enjoy them (and even if you do not), please consider donating a bit to The Rumpus.  Small arts organizations are mostly labors of love for the folks who run them, and they don't expect to be paid.  That said, money never hurts them!  None of this will go to me.  It's all for them.  You can donate here.

In prepping to publicize this comic to my vast following of tens of people, I played around with different thumbnail images for the comics.  I ended up with the one above, but below are a few alternate ideas.

New writing! Short, Moderately Sad Love Stories.

Three short-shorts of mine were just published by the fine folks over at Catch & Release, the online arm of Columbia University’s Columbia Journal.  The pieces together are titled “Short, Moderately Sad Love Stories”, and you’ll find them here.

Someday I hope to record one of these shorts as a song, and expand another and turn it into a cartoon.  For now they’re just text, and I hope you like them.  Whatever you think, let me know—leave a comment, tweet me, email me, send me a raven.  Whatever works.

One more thing: if you click over to the Publications page, you might notice that, a few years back, Keyhole Press’s online magazine published a piece of mine with a similar title to this new one, “Short, Improbable Love Stories”.  The new piece is a sequel of sorts, and if you like one you’ll probably like the other.  The older piece is here.  It made people cry.  (In a good way, or so I was told.)